Take advantage of our webinars for Organisers!

Now are available weekly webinars fo Organisers as a part of a complete system of support.

On the webinar website, there are two topics for online meetings:

QUERY BUILDER in meeting.pl, during which we train how to properly create an RFP, how to set the system messages related to RFPs as well as how to select best Venue for your event. NEGOTIATION PANEL in meeting.pl, during which we train how to add more Venues,

which will receive your FRP. We will discuss the issue of changes made to the content of an RFP. The most important part of the training will be negotiations, communication with Venue, choosing the best offer, history of changes and export deals.

You can subscribe to the selected term in a very easy way. Training is done through the „GoToWebinar”. To participate in the training you do not need any software. Using a unique link, that you will receive in the registration confirmation, you will automatically join the webinar.

All Organisers are welcome!