Number of RFPs in is rapidly growing

We are slowly approaching the closure of the first quarter of 2015. We are pleased to announce that as of today the number of Venues available in is 486, at the same time another 424 Venues are entering database and are „honing and refining” their profiles. There was 3770 RFPs generated in our system for a total value of 3.724.223 PLN.

„We are still in the early stages. There is a lot of humility in us and even more energy to perform. It is hard to imagine a more motivated team.
We happily welcome the fact, that each day new Venues and new Organizers are entering our database. Most work takes us the training of Venue’s staff, so the data loaded into the system is complete, what will allow quick response to received RFPs. Our IT team is constantly working on new features and on improvement of existing ones. Soon we will be publishing special reports in .xls and .pdf format, which will summarize the entire process of finding and selecting a Venue for the event”. –
said Witold Janczyński creator of the system and at the same time CEO of platform’s operator.