A tasty event at a stylish restaurant

Restaurant 99, which appeared in the Wall Street Journal ranking, is now available on the meeting.pl platform!

This restaurant with tradition, which has been spoiling its customers with great specialities, is located in the centre of Warsaw. Carefully selected ingredients prepared according to traditional recipes, the latest trends and premium quality service, which has been awarded many times, will certainly satisfy the most demanding customer tastes.

Restaurant 99 is a perfect place for extraordinary events. The possibility of different space arrangement allows for organising both intimate meetings and large corporate events – up to 400 people. Open kitchen, enabling guests to observe how experienced cooks conjure up dishes, is a source of additional entertainment. The restaurant offers also a manned car park for guests and a modern smoking room in the bar section.

It is also worth mentioning that Restaurant 99 has been entered on the list of ten most modern restaurants in Europe.

The meeting.pl opinion:
Restaurants are a perfect alternative for hotels, which is why meeting.pl is constantly extending its base to enable Organisers a wide selection of event venues in response to continuously growing demands. Restaurant 99 is certainly a place which meets all these criteria.

Find out more at: www.restaurant99.com